The Redpoint hand-held digital tachometer is a compact measuring unit for proximity measurement of rotational speed. It focuses a beam of light at a thin sticker attached to the object, which reflects it at the speed of rotation. The result appears immediately on the 5-digit LCD. The distance between the redpoint and the test object can be up to 600 mm. The redpoint is supplied in a sturdy padded case, along with ten reflective strips and batteries for immediate use. It is also supplied with a calibration certificate by which the redpoint itself is approved as a calibration device. A detailed operating manual completes the set. The redpoint digital hand tachometer is just as useful when setting up plants and machinery as during service jobs, monitoring manufacturing processes or in development laboratories. It can record the speeds of engines, turbines, pumps, mixers, centrifuges and much more.
Rheintacho Hand-Held Tachometers Brochure
Rheintacho Redpoint Tachometer Manual